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Postponed to a later date. More information coming soon.

Title: On the Path to a New Reiki Paradigm

Language: English

Speaker: Graziano Scarascia

Price: 6 CHF (valid for 180 days)

Time: 19:30 - Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Duration: 60 minutes

Summary: Explore the future of Reiki and it evolution towards a more credible and professional practice.

SwissReiki proudly presents the "Reiki Insight Talks" series, featuring the webinar "On the Path to a New Reiki Paradigm" by Graziano Scarascia.
Explore the future of the Reiki method and its evolution towards a more credible and professional practice!
In the landscape of holistic practices, Reiki stands out for its accessibility and its rapid training methodologies, which are generally spread over a few weekends, with the risk of diluting the quality of the practice and leaving little room for a deep understanding of the discipline and the practical details of the helping relationship. This contrasts sharply with the structured training courses of other complementary therapies.
However, the growing interest in Reiki in healthcare circles and the surge in research aimed at validating its effectiveness point to a pivotal moment for the practice. This webinar proposes ways of developing the rigour and ethics of the training and practice, reassessing its internal contradictions, and highlighting the aspects linked to the helping relationship and the framework, among others. The aim is to stimulate a constructive debate to strengthen the credibility and effectiveness of this ancient form of energy therapy.
Graziano Scarascia spearheaded efforts to set up a qualification programme for Reiki practitioners to bring them into line with standards in the field of complementary therapies.
Join us for "On the Path to a New Reiki Paradigm" to discover how these initiatives are reshaping the future of Reiki.

Use your credit card to pay via PayPal (even if you do not have a PayPal account). Instant access.
Unlimited and free access for SwissReiki members. Consider joining SwissReiki!

Titre : Vitalisme & Reiki

Langue : Français

Conférencier : Laurent Magne

Prix : 6 CHF (valable 180 jours)

Horaire : 9h30 - 8 juin 2024

Durée : 60 minutes

Utilisez votre carte de crédit pour payer via PayPal (même si vous n'avez pas de compte PayPal). Accès immédiat.

Accès illimité et gratuit pour les membres de SwissReiki. Pensez à adhérer à SwissReiki !

Title: The physics of Reiki

Language: English

Speaker: Francis Vendrell

Price: xxx chf (valid for 180 days)

Time: to be announced

Duration: 60 minutes

Use your credit card to pay via PayPal (even if you do not have a PayPal account). Instant access.

Unlimited and free access for SwissReiki members. Consider joining SwissReiki!